originally for a very different project, this page is going to mutate into a retrovisor:
seemingly staring behind the scene at bygone efforts...
the various attempts at a full-fledged bookish soda fountain...
harkback to old site: here a rundown...
bookish things as well as publications and such
out now (very late-ish)
La Jeune Avrill / Due 9.1 - (theyre just tearing down the house seen here...)
furthermore: article in second part of "Observatoire des simples et des fous / ce n'est si simple" (see main page)
- by Lise Duclaux, second part of report on project for Mons 2015 - for multiple box
a wonderful compilation of documentation from two seasons under the chestnut tree at St Symphorien...
and also blog article features in "Transit" by Annick Nölle, just out
Lagging behind somewhat (??!!) but trying to catch up:
two years ago you mean man... - brain draining through the mushrooms
last year's LJA out now! ha ha
- as well as anti-treecutting poster campaign, to be distributed everywhere...
a collaboration Morarescu-Obst:
brochure/picturebook to the performance piece 'salon rouge' november in Buktapaktop Brussels during the
state of emergency after the Bataclan/Paris attacks
and a ditty for the backward view, something I'm fond of:
and a ditty for the backward view, something I'm fond of:
a jumble of thoughts and references, part of the bookstack project.
in the meantime a very nice publication by Lise Duclaux in which I contributed a small text:
- as part of the offering "Observatoire des Fous et des Simples" for MONSens Mons 2015
after considering no longer producing on paper, well, in the end decided to continue for now;
number 7/ (change of production) La Jeune Avrill, again behind schedule but not as far as usual...
(oe-29 production or provide only on-line?)
don't seem to have images for LJA 5.& or 5.2.... lost somewheres... here reconstituted
Secret Archives Continued
interlude / crashsite catalogue, in fact unfinished, uncorrected, un-designed ( just rough info jumbled together)
ran out of time at the HTH, so made a RVR version just to avoid throwing it all out...
first of a double- death & destruction theme:
- now available at this office and unibook ...
Here is a recent LJA - the extra inserted fifty-fity bus trip special.... after a lot of problems and technical headaches... but still acceptable
- a rough version of the inteded one, which crashed blazing into the sea of oblivion and had to be reconstituted by memory or something akin... we're working on an alternative method and program to avoid these kinds of mishaps in future... and to facillitate more participation possibly? hé?
Chantier d l'Utopie / Brasseurs, Liège did a niche catalog with interesting slant on Gruzeintervention (in french)
Nr. 3.2 infested with wrong-wrongs and miss takes and just plain silly slips...
shoddy workmanship and a lapse in editorial control... - erratums & corrections in next issue...
also out & available: Deuxelles Mali report - 'de boom spreekt' order with unibook.com or via gruzemayer
...with some dismay, constrenation but perhaps not entirely surproised to hear that the crew of
Het Andere Boek decide to call it a day after 33 years unsurpassed literary smorgasbord...
( above an GvA article from 07, looking up with yers true..)
just a couple of years ago things were looking up again and a certain elan was to be felt... but not sustainable... too many changes in the landscape and
yes, time to slow down or shift gears for the tireless crew & their volunteers... 33 years is not nothing, and when you look at the pantheon of guests one may say
well deserved rest. - even so, it's with a slight tug of heart that we say goodbye...
(a bit of nostalgia: just found this in the archive- a poster produced by AK37 for HAB from 94... -
something complete & different:
been off the boil for a while - busy with some geneological/archival collection , which is also quite an interesting part of the
general "recherches (e)aux submersibles" -
-- two workbooks produced early 2010 for development into an overview soon
Well, even though we're more or less still living in boxes, we had a stand at the thirty-third "Het Andere Boek" on October 3 & 4....(turned out to be the last)
poster, view of the stand - rep from amercian bookstore the haugue and M.Michiels (org HAB)....
Attempted to get another LJA/D out specially for the occasion but delivery was late, so the whole thing sort of got off to a bad start... it was a bit of a chancy affair to try and force through a new series before the time was ripe, and in fact the effort that went tinto it could have been spread more evenly and produced a better series - but then one has to keep on keeping on since ohterwise the continuation would be interruped and in fact the intention is to up the frequency rather than slow it down. Quality is an issue though under these circumstances. Due to the rather chaotic transition the plans for various 'review' publications are running late, there were two or even three projects that should have been completed by the end of the year, but will probably only be ready by the end of the year...
Rear View Review 3 as an insert if you like - a reworking of the 'icefishing' (abode) brochure - (maybe a RVR#3bis will be made also)
as well as a co-prod-aside brochure to accompany the 'artdepot' project... - (unibook)
The second series of LJA/D is underway, just out/in prod:
La Jeune Avrill /Due # 02.1 and LJA/D #02.2 (late for the fair) --
what went on earlier this year -
managed to get the "La Jeune Avrill / Due # 01.2" (see also article below) out there by mid januari, and have begun distributing in a minor way, still not quite in the swing of things...
it can also be ordered direct from the printer-publisher at wwaow.com, or better now known as 'unibook' - just look for Bureau Gruzemayer
next (out march) is the first installment of the 'recherches (e)aux submersibles' (paris bleu 1) under the 'rear view review' title...
the 'tinhead' article in LJA/D #01.2 also appeared in the perf-publication by TEHDAS.ry for 0,00 euro: -
also featuring frags by Dialogist-Kantor and a DDV-shot from 07 - furthermore an article by DM Mangelware in the catalogue
"La Moutarde de Kandinsky" (NOW is already gone) - Wout Vercammen / Van Lierde ed.
....... backtracks:
(this following text prepared for/around Het Andere Boek - 4 & 5 october 2008)
Using the participation in the “Het Andere Boek” book fair seemed like a good moment to offer an overview of what is happening on the publications-front. Though ‘Bureau Gruzemayer’ has not made much headway as of yet, the intention is to build on the tentative beginnings of various publication attempts in the past and to rationalize to some degree the chaotic approach which has defined these activities. “Bureau Gruzemayer” offered a mix of ‘fanmag’-type booklets, recent and relatively recent publications, the beginnings of new projects and multiple-type editions by associates…
above: DDV readying himself for the signing-session of the last remaining issues of the "Bastard Art Gruppe" overview, center Deuxelles and Dialogist Kantor-rep at the stand, right: Vered Ben-Kiki with the multilingual childeren's book...
- 'editorial machinations....' march 08 - availible at de groene waterman & also at Posada & Passa Porta bxl
The main result of this year is the tentative chronology of the period 1986 to 1996, entitled “Redactionele Machinaties rondom een Inexistent revue Fifty-fifty tot en met AK-37” This is an attempt to create a subjective but useable view of the activities of the exhibition space ‘Inexistent’ and ‘AK-37’ by using the regular ‘editorial’ meetings and activities of the loose grouping called ‘fifty-fifty’… It is presented in the same format as the previous chronology (1996-2006) of the alternative artist-space ‘Factor 44’ from which ‘Bureau Gruzemayer’ emerged as a sort of spin-off…
The latter will also be available as well as the ‘fact-or’ production of “Memento Monica”, a collection of small reminders by friends for Monica Droste, who passed away now ten years hence.
We will also be offering the last issues of a group-effort from late last year, the “Ultra Koninklijke Kusnt Revue” – a modified document from the former ICC (1970) which had been modified by thirty-odd artists and reconstituted as a ‘republication’ in the suite of ‘revisies’ undertaken by former F44 members. (there will also be a small selection of ‘F44 imagazines’ still available)
- the cover of the (re) modified icc brochure, some 31 artists, a multiple of 100 at 24 euros each.
We take this opportunity to also re-engage in a former activity concerning relatively regular publications. For this we have chosen to re-launch the former occasional paper called “La Jeune Avrill” which has had a varied existence since it’s inception at the first fifty-fifty-show in 1988… For the moment we shall keep it simple, much in the tradition of the original cut & paste booklets, but are planning to consider various possibilities including on-line publication…
- the original cover of LJA, - the second cover, used occasionally now as a precusor 'due' issue
Speaking of which: we have, if all goes well, the first of a series called “Rear View Review”, also a resurrection of the former ‘fac simili’ and/or “revevue” – this series will in the first instance be busy with the re-packaging of handmade publications from the past that were available only as short-run brochures or pamphlets…
-- the old and new "rear view review'
Further we will have some material presented by associates, as in the past they will be announced only shortly before the book fair, and will probably comprise handmade books, multiple and/or special editions…. More on that soon.
Deuxelles editions, including the most recent 'Engelenval'
there will be some additional material by associates, among whic DVV will come to present the last remaining issue of the
special Bastard-Art publication "Bastard Art Gruppe - Texte und Materialien zur Geschichte der BAG"
and also throwback-defunct issues from the files... all part of the review series
- - and lots more
Intussen is dit project veranderd, wellicht zal er een verdere versie ervan worden uitgewerkt door groepen en organisaties die meer ervaring en kennis van de materie hebben...
bij deze is de Livrerie Pharmacie niet meer direct betrokken...
wel willen we allen bedanken, en beste wensen voor het verdere verloop aanbieden...
Helen Keller met haar hond Mr. Thomas Phiz
pilootproject 'blindebib'
Het Luisterend Oog
naar de Bib of lezing
Met ondersteuning van regelmatige bezoekers...
Blindebib is een pilootproject waarin we regelmatige bezoekers van literaire activiteiten willen inschakelen om een blinde of slechtziende te ondersteunen voor, na en tijdens het evenement.
Het idee is een groep van begeleiders te creëren waaruit geput kan worden naargelang individuele behoefde. Regelmatige bezoekers van lezingen, gesprekken en presentaties rond literatuur kunnen zich vrijwillig aanbieden en worden dan gekoppeld aan een blinde of slechtziende die een begeleidingsvraag heeft.
Het gaat om te beginnen om het aanbod van Letterenhuis en Bibliotheek Permeke, met later mogelijke uitbreiding.
De eerste sessie zal plaatsvinden in het Letterenhuis, Minderbroederstraat 22, op 20 november voor het gesprek rond Georges Eekhoud in het kader van “Esacut Escaut!”
De lezing begint om 14 uur maar wij komen al om 13 uur samen bij een kopje koffie en croissant om het project te bespreken en ter kennismaking...
Achteraf is ook een korte evaluatievergadering voorzien om te peilen naar praktische verbeteringen...
Hebt u interesse om u zelf beschikbaar te stellen om een slechtziende de kans te geven van het aanbod te genieten?
Stuur gerust een mailtje om meer info:
Blindebib contact:
ook per telefoon 0485 9539 97
of laat een berichtje achter
Volg on ook op facebook:
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