Livrerie Pharmacie
This site has been asleep for ages, intermittently, but still, not much has been happening after it's creation in the heyday of a project I was going to follow through on but alas was cut short by some pretty dumb incidents having to do with modern library techniques – something which is slowly eroding the good old bookish charm we all know and love... Bookshops in general are becoming a rarity as people flock to online versions such as this one... for it has to be said: the actual 'Livrerie Pharmacie' no longer exists... in it's place on the Volksstraat in Antwerp there is however a comfy Vinyl & Coffee bar which has kept the old storefront and is a sympathetic representative of the space... and, to a certain extent, the 'DepinterDep' at Péruwelz has become a sort of surrogate for the Livrerie Pharmacie even though it is something else... but could be considered family...
Angel VS and Laurent J in front of inexistent gallery (Livrerie Pharmacie) in the late 80's
Recently found one of the first metions of the Livrerie Pharmacie back in the ETO archive - here it is:
also the first 'Bombyx Mori' i presume
Here then is a collection of related considerations – which direction they will take is still a bit of an experimental concoction, and has to be synthesized before we can make an analysis..
toenmalig 'Livrerie Pharmacie' als basis voor nieuw virtueel leeszaal...
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