

Livrerie Pharmacie

This site has been asleep for ages, intermittently, but still, not much has been happening after it's creation in the heyday of a project I was going to follow through on but alas was cut short by some pretty dumb incidents having to do with modern library techniques – something which is slowly eroding the good old bookish charm we all know and love... Bookshops in general are becoming a rarity as people flock to online versions such as this one... for it has to be said: the actual 'Livrerie Pharmacie' no longer exists... in it's place on the Volksstraat in Antwerp there is however a comfy Vinyl & Coffee bar which has kept the old storefront and is a sympathetic representative of the space... and, to a certain extent, the 'DepinterDep' at Péruwelz has become a sort of surrogate for the Livrerie Pharmacie even though it is something else... but could be considered family...



Angel VS and Laurent J in front of inexistent gallery (Livrerie Pharmacie) in the late 80's

Recently found one of the first metions of the Livrerie Pharmacie back in the ETO archive - here it is:

also the first 'Bombyx Mori' i presume


Here then is a collection of related considerations – which direction they will take is still a bit of an experimental concoction, and has to be synthesized before we can make an analysis..




toenmalig 'Livrerie Pharmacie' als basis voor nieuw virtueel leeszaal...

of ook oude referenties uit de boomtijd der boekerijen:

voor meer recente activiteiten ( ref Inex- Pharma- Factor boekjesproducten, zie

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